Below you can find a list of the most frequently asked questions:

  1. What is eBookShare all about? -  eBookShare is a website where you can store eBooks online for easy sharing. The idea behind the site is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of eBooks online.
  2. Who can see my eBooks? - If you create a public upload, your eBook will show up for everybody. You can also create unlisted eBooks, these items will be invisible for others unless you share your eBook link. If you are a member of eBookShare you can also create private eBooks. These items can only be viewed by you when you are logged in and are therefore password protected. Search engines will only index public eBooks.

 Can I Send You My Book To Publish In The Library?

It is better to create an account in the library for free and publish the book yourself on your account so that you can access the book at any time, modify it and control it, whether by publishing, stopping publication, stopping downloading, or saving copyright and other options.

Is Downloading Any Book Conditional On A Donation Or Paid Subscription To The Library?

Definitely not.. You can download any book available for free download without paying any money.

I Can Not Download Books From The Library Site?

If the book is available for download and is not closed due to copyright and cannot download, please photograph the exact problem and send the photocopy by mail to check and resolve the problem.

Is It Possible To Obtain A Specific Book Through A Specific Method I Specify?

Unfortunately, all books that can be made available are only available through the Dr Notes Library website.

 If you don't get the book through the site, you can't get it any other way through us.

Do You Have The Right To Make This Amount Of Books Available For Free?

Old and forgotten books that have become in the past are published to preserve them, books whose publication is accepted by their authors, and books whose owners agree to publish them free of charge. As for the books on which the copyright sign is reserved, we do not have the right to make them available for free download and reading. A system is being prepared to enable copyright holders of these books to display their books and benefit from them financially and not display them for free.

Do You Have A Library Application? Why Is The Dr Notes Library Application Not Working? Do You Have Other Sites Besides Dr Notes library?

We do not have any application for Dr Notes Library on any system and we do not have any other site. All we have is only dr-notes.com and any other applications or websites with the same name and the same library logo are theft of the name and logo of Dr NotesLibrary.

My Book Was Published In The Library Without My Consent, And This Is A Violation Of My Right, And I Want To Delete My Books In The Library? How Did You Get This Book In The First Place?

Most of the books whose authors do not agree to publish for free have a cover, a title, and a short description only without the ability to read and download the book for the purpose of advertising and support for these books. However, we do not own the electronic copies of these books from the ground up, and they will not be opened at any time without the consent of their owners.

But if you make sure that your book is available for download in the library without your knowledge and you do not agree to continue it in the library for free, we regret this explicit violation. Please report the book through the (report) option at the top of the book page or by contacting us by mail with the book’s link or title attached, and its download will be stopped immediately and only the book title, cover and a short description of the book not exceeding ten lines will remain.

These books have been retrieved from various sites on the Internet after verifying the consent of their owners to publish them. We may have made a mistake in making sure that the author agreed to make it available free of charge on the Internet .. We apologize for that, as soon as you reported the book with proof of ownership, if possible, it will be stopped immediately.

Will My Book Appear In Google?

Yes, if the book is published in the Dr Notes Library, it will appear on Google within 10 days at most when anyone searches for it with the title of the book in Google.

I Want to Stop Publishing My Book After I Published It Myself?

You can do this through the book settings button at the top of each book on your personal page after logging in to your account.

Why Is the Dr Notes Library Website Not Working in Some Countries?

Unfortunately, the Dr Notes Library website does not work in some countries of the world, due to these countries' authorities blocking access to the site due to copyright infringement. And to unblock the Dr Notes website a VPN program must be used, which is a program that enables you to browse the Internet as if you were in another country.

Where Does the Donation Money Go?

Donation money is spent on site server rents, cloud services, CDN network services, cyber security services, salaries of site developers, server administrators, content reviewers, and copyrights and no money is paid to book publishers and authors so far and still and will continue to be published free and unlimited.

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Dr Notes is a website where you can store any medical book, notes, exams, and recalls online for easy sharing. The idea behind the site is to make it more convenient for the medical field staff to share large amounts of eBooks online.